Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation

I'm Anna Silverman, Executive Director of Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation. Welcome to my blog!

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Homelessness happens to students

I was reading an interesting article today about how homelessness can happen to students. Here's the link if you would like to read the story.

A lot of people wouldn't know this but every year, we do have a couple of university students who have to rely on our shelter because they've become homeless. (This year we have seven students). Normally, these students are part of the Worker Program.

The Worker Program is aimed at our homeless clients who are working part-time or full-time but are homeless for one reason or another. It's also for people who are homeless but have a strong desire to find work and need our help to accomplish that goal. As well as working with clients in school, the program will also help someone who is homeless and wants to return to school.

Understandably, shelters can be busy places. When you're trying to hold down a job, find housing or study, the shelter might not always be the best place for you. So what the Worker Program does is give those people a separate area to sleep. They can come and go based on their schedules. We make sure the participants have access to a computer. They get boxed lunches from the soup kitchen. But the real key to the program is the case management worker. That person creates a program for every participant. It's based on their needs. Typically, it involves financial literacy and how to budget. But it might include other things like how to deal with shift work, how to balance your studies while saving your money. That case management worker is there to do whatever he/she can to help the client meet their goals.

No student should be homeless, but Shepherds of Good Hope is there if a student needs us. But we can't help these students without your help. When you make a donation to Shepherds of Good Hope, you help us ensure that people and students who are homeless get the help they need to have a life of dignity, and to focus on a brighter future.

Please consider making a donation by clicking on the donate now link.

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