Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation

I'm Anna Silverman, Executive Director of Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation. Welcome to my blog!

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Food donations dip in the summer

I hope everyone had a great long weekend. It ended with a little bit of rain throughout the day Monday, but overall, it was a nice weekend.

Now it's back to work. Back to our routines. And one of the routines I hope to get people into this summer is to remember to donate food. I appreciate all the donations we get, but the summer is always a challenge and this summer is no different.

At Shepherds of Good Hope, we open our grocery program twice a week to the community. We're really the only Lowertown food bank. I always know when it's grocery day because of the lineup going out the doors and into the parking lot.

The Ottawa Food Bank does supply us and all community food banks with food. But they, too, get hit with the summer donation slowdown.

So what are we looking for? We're looking for non-perishable goods, things like coffee, tea, dried pasta, pasta sauce, canned vegetables, soups and fruits, dried beans, rice and lentils.

Other popular items are things like toilet paper, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and deodorant.

Not only do we hand out food twice a week, but we also use some of it to feed the men and women who come to our soup kitchen. No one is in danger of not getting fed, but as you can tell from the photos below, some of our shelves are starting to look a little bare.

So how can you help? If you have some additional canned goods or any of the above mentioned items that you would like to donate, please drop by our 233 Murray St. location. In the back parking lot is a convenient drop-off window. We appreciate anything you can give. Even just one bag of groceries will make a huge difference in the life of someone who relies on us in order to feed their family.

For more information, here's a link to our donation page.

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