Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation

I'm Anna Silverman, Executive Director of Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation. Welcome to my blog!

Thursday, 14 January 2016

OREIO delivers much needed items

Last night, I had the pleasure of attending an event hosted by the Ottawa Real Estate Investors Organization. This was the third time this month I had a chance to be with them.

Last week, we were on CTV Morning Live to talk about their food and clothing drive this winter. OREIO is a strong believer in Shepherds of Good Hope. They know a lot of people like to help the homeless in the months leading up to Christmas. They wanted to ensure there was no drop-off once the blah months came along.

So last night they held an event where I had a chance to address the crowd to talk about how Shepherds of Good Hope helps some of the most vulnerable men and women in Ottawa.

It was a good thing I took the van with me. I was impressed with how much they collected in such a short period of time.

Thank you so much to Victor Menasce, Managing Partner of US Real Estate Partners, for his work in making all of this happen.

On behalf of everyone at Shepherds of Good Hope, we appreciate the hard work and the fundraising and we look forward to more donations over the coming weeks.


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  2. وتعتبر التكلفة العالية لهذا النوع من المطابخ واحدة من أبرز عيوب المطابخ، كما أنّه في حال تلف أحد الطبقات الكلادينج يصبح من الصعب تغييرها، لأنّه بعد عملية تعشيق طبقات الكلادينج يصبح من السهل رؤية الفواصل بين الطبقات اسعار الواح الكلادينج للمطابخ تعتبر التكلفة واحدة من أبرز عيوب المطابخ الكلادينج، ولكن عندما ننظر الى عمر المطابخ الكلادينج الطويل، تصبح التكلفة معقولة، وفي حالة تلف أحد الطبقات الكلادينج يصبح من الصعب تغييرها، لان بعد تعشيق طبقات الكلادينج يصبح من السهل رؤية الفواصل بين الطبقات.
